Child Sponsorship - HONDURAS

We provide a Child Sponsorship program for the children at the Didasko Children's Home in Tegucigalpa.  

Please see the children below that are in need of sponsors.  Click on the "Sponsor" button to sign up to sponsor.  

Sponsorship donations are $40.00 per month.  Multiple payment options are available.  

  • Maria

    Birthday:  9/23/2018

    Favorite Color:  Blue

    Favorite Food:  Pizza

    Favorite Bible Story:  Noah

    Loves to play games

    Wants to be a police when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Maria

  • Ruth

    Birthday:  11/15/2014

    Grade: 2

    Favorite Class:  Mathematics

    Favorite Color:  Pink

    Favorite Food:  Pizza

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Bible Story:  Creation Story (Genesis 1)

    Wants to be a doctor when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Ruth

  • Nazareth

    Birthday:  5/20/2014

    Grade: 4

    Favorite Class:  Natural Science

    Favorite Color:  Pink

    Favorite Sport:  Volleyball

    Favorite Bible Verse:  John 3:16

    Wants to be a police when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Nazareth

  • Marcela

    Birthday:  8/4/2012

    Grade: 5

    Favorite Class:  Mathematics

    Favorite Colors:  Blue & Red

    Favorite Food:  Pizza

    Favorite Sport:  Volleyball

    Favorite Bible Story:  Jacob & Joseph (Genesis 37)

    Wants to be a police when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Marcela

  • Norma

    Birthday:  2/14/2009

    Grade: 9

    Favorite Class:  Music

    Favorite Colors:  Black & Blue

    Favorite Food:  Fish Filets with Salad

    Favorite Sport:  Basketball

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Proverbs 22:6

    Wants to be an actress or lawyer when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Norma

  • Meylin

    Birthday:  1/14/2009

    Grade: 8

    Favorite Class:  Spanish

    Favorite Colors:  Black & White

    Favorite Foods:  Pizza & Hamburgers

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Joshua 1:9

    Wants to be a doctor when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Meilyn

  • Any

    Birthday:  2/24/2008

    Grade: 10

    Favorite Class:  Biology

    Favorite Colors:  Black & White

    Favorite Food:  Cheese Pizza

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Philippians 4:13

    Wants to be a stylist when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Any

  • Rosa

    Birthday:  1/20/2007

    Grade:  11

    Favorite Subject:  Science

    Favorite Colors:  Black, Blue & Red

    Favorite Food:  Fried fish with fried plantains and chismol

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Philippians 4:13

    Wants to be a chef when she grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Rosa

  • Rodrigo

    Birthday:  5/13/2013

    Grade:  3

    Favorite Color:  Blue

    Loves to hula hoop

    Favorite Food:  Chicken & juice

    Favorite Bible Story:  Joseph

    Wants to be like the director at the orphanage when he grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Rodrigo

  • Javier

    Birthday:  12/6/2012

    Grade: 5

    Favorite Class:  Mathematics

    Favorite Color:  White

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Foods:  Hamburger with cheese and Chinese rice

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Galatians 2:20

    Wants to be a soccer player when he grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Javier

  • Ian

    Birthday:  6/7/2010

    Grade: 5

    Favorite Class:  Mathematics

    Favorite Color:  Blue

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Food:  Hamburger with cheese

    Favorite Bible Passage:  Psalm 23

    Wants to be a lawyer when he grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Ian

  • Yair

    Birthday:  12/28/2009

    Favorite Class:  Mathematics

    Favorite Colors:  Red, Blue & Black

    Favorite Food:  Pizza

    Favorite Bible Passage:  Proverbs 22

    Wants to be a soccer player when he grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Yair

  • Manuel

    Birthday:  2/25/2008

    Grade:  10

    Favorite Class:  English

    Favorite Color:  Yellow

    Favorite Sport:  Soccer

    Favorite Food: Hamburger with cheese

    Favorite Bible Passage:  Psalm 23

    Wants to be a businessman when he grows up

    Click Here To Sponsor Manuel