In December 1995, founder Jack O'Neill and Pastor Chris Neilson visited Romanian orphanages. Their hearts were shaken by what they saw and they were challenged by how local Christ followers were responding despite limited resources.  Jack and Chris were determined to help bring restoration to the neediest children of the world and Hope Teams was born. Since that trip to Romania, Hope Teams has been involved in Kenya, Liberia and Honduras. 


Hope Teams International's primary purpose is to promote and protect the well-being and healthy development of children and young adults, primarily by partnering with indigenous organizations who share similar faith-based values and who provide education, spiritual teaching, emotional support, medical care, developmental, nutritional aid, and relief to disadvantaged children and young adults throughout the world.  

All of us are called to respond to the needs of the poor and oppressed locally and abroad. Join us and be a blessing to hundreds of children.


  • All children were given life by God and are worthy of respect and unconditional love.
  • All children have a right to food, shelter, health care, and protection from abuse and exploitation.
  • It is our collective moral obligation to advocate and care for children in need, utilizing the resources at our disposal.
  • Orphans should be safely reintegrated into their communities and, where possible, their families.
  • Local Christian communities need to be enabled to carry out effective ministry to orphans in a manner that will benefit the orphans and the community at large.

James 1:27 - “Religion that God Our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”



Hope Teams International partners with indigenous churches and agencies to carry out culturally-appropriate relief, evangelism and discipleship to orphans and street kids in their communities. Here in the U.S. we raise awareness of the plight of orphans, gather financial and human resources, train and deploy work teams. Additionally, HTI provides funding and administrative accountability to our partners to help them more effectively meet the needs of the children they minister to, and their communities. 


HTI facilitates our partners and their communities in becoming self-sufficient in their ministry to orphans, as well as addressing the root causes of abandonment and poverty.  We do this by initially purchasing as much of our supplies as possible in the local communities, assisting with the development of micro-economic projects and coming alongside and supporting the work of local leaders.  


Ashley Swale- Honduras June Team 2016

Before I left for Honduras, poverty and the harshness of the world were only something I watched on the news or read in the newspaper. That is, until June of 2016 when God allowed me the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Proyecto Manuelito. It was such an amazing experience and as time goes on, God continues to show me His faithfulness. Every time I looked in the eyes of the children, I was reminded of God's unconditional love for us. They are so precious and desperately need our help. I only spent ten days at the project, but I am so thankful that I was able to go and God opened my eyes to realize that everything I have here in America is a gift. Without God's provision and the help of Hope Teams, the trip would not have been possible. God is faithful.